
Super acrobacia aérea

El helicóptero más maniobrable, con el piloto más arriesgado haciendo piruetas rasantes en zonas boscosas. Ver para creer. Escalofriante.

Información complementaria:
The German Bo-105 is a light twin engine multi purpose utility helicopter initially developed by Bölkow, and then built by Messerschmitt-Bölkow-Blohm (MBB) which now belongs to the Eurocopter Group. Eurocopter sold the Bo 105 until 1997. It was replaced by the new EC 135.
Being the first light twin-engined helicopter in commercial service, it gained widespread use over rural areas (police and EMS / medevac) as well as offshore.The four-blade hingeless main rotor with composite blades ensures high maneuverability. All main systems (hydraulics, electric, fuel, lubrication) were designed to be fully redundant.

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Un comentario en «Super acrobacia aérea»

  • uyyy, espectacular el vuelo de ese helicopteo, yo tambien soy pioto de helicoptero y no me atreveria hacer algo asi. muy bueno


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