
Magic Mag-net-ic

¿Juguete o Joya? Producto patentado. Video de ciencia. Curioso.

Información complementaria:

Will I get stuck to everything metallic that I walk by?

They won’t come off under normal use since the magnets are more attracted to each other than any other metal object. When the pieces are open and there are two exposed ends, these ends are very strong and can easily attach to any nearby metal. However when the ends are closed the magnetic field is contained within the magnets themselves and very little residual force exists outside of the piece preventing it from simply coming off near any metallic objects.

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Concerns about computer hard drives:

To affect your computer, a magnetic field has to exceed the coercively of the magnetic coating on the storage device. Hard drives have a coercively of a few thousand Oersteds, which means a field of the same number of Gauss is needed to demagnetize them. The magnetic field strength falls off with the cube of the distance, and even 3x the strength of ours can’t wipe a hard drive if they’re not touching it. Besides when worn the majority of the magnetic field will be constrained inside the circle.

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Health concerns… Iron in Blood:

Iron atoms in a magnet are crammed together in a solid state about one atom apart from one another. In your blood only four iron atoms are allocated to each hemoglobin molecule, and they are separated by distances too great to form a magnet. This is easily tested by pricking your finger and placing a drop of your blood next to a magnet. – By Michael Shermer SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN

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